TOP 6 best eyelash serums: composition, effect, pros and cons

Eyelash serums promise incredible: make them longer, thicker and shinier. It would be great, right? But there is one caveat. It is necessary to choose the right product based on its composition, since some of them work to lengthen, others prevent loss, and still others are responsible for increasing the number of eyelashes and their thickness.

In this article, you will learn about the most popular brands, the main ingredients and the effect you can count on. By the way, I highly recommend reading the "Features" section, since the application of the serum has a number of features.

Rating TOP 6 best eyelash serums

The most popular products in this category include the following products:


According to the manufacturers, this is a 2 in 1 product created on the basis of innovative developments in the field of regeneration and growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. It stimulates the process of active hair growth, increases volume, enhances pigmentation, restores and protects against external factors.

It only takes you 3 weeks to see the result. And after 2 months your eyelashes will reach their maximum length and volume, and your eyebrows will become thicker and more beautiful.

The serum strengthens the hairs along the entire length, giving them extra volume. The special formula is aimed at preventing shedding and acts on all three phases of eyelash life. It starts the regeneration processes, accelerates growth, provides the necessary care and nutrition.

Now a few words about the composition. Thuja oriental leaf extract affects growth and length, strengthens the hair structure. Ginseng root extract shortens the phase of hair loss, reduces fragility, nourishes, protects against external factors, including decorative cosmetics and an aggressive environment. The peptide (another component of the formula) stimulates the growth of new cells, reducing their fragility and allowing them to reach their maximum length.

It is recommended to apply the product 2-3 times a week.

Volume 3 ml
the effect growth stimulation
Texture liquid
Manufacturer country Ireland
  • density;
  • length;
  • outwardly, eyelashes look better;
  • economical consumption.
  • not found.

Eyelashes visually become thicker and longer. The serum has no odor, it is economically consumed, it did not cause an allergy in me. I am using the third month. I'm happy with the result.

Eveline Cosmetics Advance Volumiére

This serum contains a complex of nutritional components based on plant extracts. Acts as a regenerating agent, eyelash growth activator and mascara base. The plant base helps to accelerate the growth and strengthen the roots of the eyelashes, protects their structure and prevents hair loss.

Thanks to the comfortable brush and the delicate texture of the serum, your lashes will acquire amazing volume from the very first application.

D-panthenol nourishes and gives elasticity along the entire length. The complex of proteins penetrates deep into the eyelashes, restoring damaged areas and preventing their loss. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes, stimulates growth and regeneration.

Volume 10 ml
the effect strengthening
Texture liquid
Manufacturer country Poland
  • moisturizes;
  • protection against brittleness;
  • good base for mascara;
  • easy to apply.
  • not found.

Great serum. I apply it as a base for mascara. With it, it does not crumble, it is easily washed off. Eyelashes are not so brittle, they fall out less. Mine are long and thin, now stronger. It is better not to apply at night, there may be pus, at least for allergy sufferers like me.

Elfarma Elma

This serum is designed to strengthen and grow hair. Special components in the composition improve the internal processes of eyelash growth, awaken dormant bulbs, saturate active substances with useful substances, extend the period of viability and restore the damaged structure.

We owe this recovery, as well as the natural increase in volume in just 15 days, to provitamin B5. It also strengthens as much as possible, increases the rate of hair production, actively acts on dormant bulbs.

Bimatoprost is a highly effective growth and volume stimulant.

Silk proteins, panthenol and allantoin moisturize the lashes and make them smoother.

It is recommended to apply the serum to the eyelashes and eyebrows before going to bed, and you can wash it off with any cleanser.

Volume 4 ml
the effect growth stimulation, strengthening
Texture liquid
Manufacturer country USA
  • more volume;
  • the length increases;
  • easy to apply;
  • price.
  • not found.

Good serum for the price. After 10 days of use, I took a photo, noticed that the length became longer, the eyelashes were thicker. Convenient brush. The solution did not cause allergic reactions in me. It is economically consumed.

Almea Xlash

Here is another eyelash growth serum that increases the length and volume of your eyelashes, gently cares for them. Differs in its unique composition, created on the basis of natural ingredients, activates the processes of regeneration and growth of eyelashes, ensures their restoration.

The product is rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins, which, in turn, act on hair follicles, stimulating the growth of healthy and strong eyelashes, as well as regrown eyelashes, moisturizing, nourishing them, restoring their structure and protective properties.

Now in more detail about the main components of whey.

Hair needs provitamin B8 and biotin. They promote the growth of healthy eyelashes, strengthen and prevent hair loss.

Myristoyl Pentapeptide is a stimulant for the production of keratin, which, in turn, forms the structure of the hair. Acts on hair follicles, activating natural growth and strengthening the structure.

Rosemary leaf extract improves blood circulation in the subcutaneous capillaries, accelerates regeneration processes and awakens dormant follicles.

Hyaluronic acid protects the lashes from moisture evaporation, making them supple and less brittle.

Milk protein penetrates the hair shaft, plumping it, giving it shine and strength.

Rhodiola rosea extract enhances the protective functions of the skin and hair, and is an antioxidant.

Volume 3 ml
the effect growth stimulation
Texture liquid
Manufacturer country Switzerland
  • healthy and strong eyelashes;
  • economical consumption;
  • increased density;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.
  • not found.

Serum should be applied strictly according to the instructions. Don't be reckless: some brands can cause eyelid pigmentation and, in some cases, iris hyperpigmentation. Moreover, in the first case, it is enough just to stop using the product, but it will no longer be possible to remove dark spots from the iris.

Good serum. The result is visible after a fairly short period of time. I made extensions, after which my eyelashes were almost gone. I decided to try this serum. I didn't follow the result, I just applied it every morning. And after 4 weeks - bang! - I noticed how long they became, the density increased noticeably a little later. The packaging lasted for 5 months.

Pharmatheiss cosmetics Eyelash booster

This serum, made on the basis of natural ingredients, is a combination of hyaluronic acid, panthenol, caffeine and other active substances. Strengthens pigmentation, thanks to light lashes become dark, stimulates active growth and prevents hair loss.

The composition includes biotinyl tripeptide, hyaluronic acid (moisturizing and nourishing), arginine (nourishing, strengthening, giving shine) and panthenol (nourishing and elasticity along the entire length).

The serum is as easy to use as possible: it is enough to apply it along the upper lash line once a day, delivering the active ingredients directly to the bulbs, without causing irritation and allergies. Thanks to the modern combination of active substances, after 30 days, you can see a noticeable result in improving the condition of the eyelashes. The product is well tolerated by the skin and has been dermatologically proven. Suitable for contact lenses.

Volume 2.7 ml
the effect growth stimulation
Texture liquid
Manufacturer country Germany
  • new cilia appear;
  • volume;
  • the length increases;
  • easy to apply.
  • mild effect.

I have been using this serum for the second month. Eyelashes have become longer, that's for sure. New cilia appeared. But it does not affect the density. I apply in the morning and evening. In principle, I think that there should be such care in a cosmetic bag. I used to use another tool, they asked me what I did with the eyelashes. The effect of this serum was not even noticed. However, like me. I will not buy any more.

Dreamlash Eyelash Serum

This innovative product for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes contains the active ingredient bimatoprost, due to which the length, volume, density of the hairs increases many times, they acquire a rich dark color and a beautiful natural shine.

This ingredient is a naturally occurring fatty acid. Getting on the hair follicles of the eyelashes, it significantly increases the blood supply in this area, which affects the growth of hairs.

It also prolongs the growth phase of the eyelashes, strengthening them from the inside. The special efficiency of the supply of nutrients to the roots of the hairs allows not only to give them an aesthetic appearance, but also to improve their health.

This medical and cosmetic product is of high quality, efficiency, safety and ease of use.

The volume of the product is 4 ml, which means that it will be enough for you for a full three-month course and for long-term further prophylaxis.

The composition also includes panthenol (eliminates inflammation, improves metabolism and regeneration) and myristoyl pentapeptide (rejuvenates, stimulates the activity of hair follicles).

Volume 4 ml
the effect growth stimulation
Texture liquid
Manufacturer country United Kingdom
  • lengthens eyelashes;
  • thickens;
  • makes it darker;
  • easy to apply.
  • not found.

The result is noticeable: the eyelashes are longer, thicker, darker, with a beautiful curve. There is no burning or dryness in the eyes. The product is quickly absorbed: apply before bedtime. I get up in the morning, my eyelashes are dry. The effect is not noticeable immediately, 4-5 weeks after regular use. My eyelashes at the tips were light, now they have acquired a uniform dark color. I will use it again.


There are many reasons why your eyelashes and eyebrows become brittle and rare:

- frequent build-up

- the use of low-quality cosmetics

- an infectious eye disease

- postpartum period

- hormonal disorders

- lack of vitamins and minerals.

  • If during the application of the product you accidentally touch the mucous membrane of the eye, you must quickly remove it with a napkin or cotton pad, without allowing it to be absorbed. However, if the serum is relatively thick, there will be less chances of it getting into the eyes.
  • Never apply the solution to the lower eyelashes, as this will cause their excessive growth, which will bring discomfort and spoil the aesthetic appearance. During sleep, the serum in the required amount is redistributed to the lower eyelashes, and this is quite enough for a cosmetic effect.
  • To prevent contamination of the solution, keep the applicator clean and try to prevent contact with potentially contaminated objects and surfaces to avoid bacterial contamination.
  • To carry out a full course of restoration of eyelashes and eyebrows, only 3 ml of solution is required, and the remaining amount of the product can be used for preventive procedures, applying the serum once a week to maintain the result.
  • If you stop using a cosmetic product after a course, after a physiological change, the eyelashes gradually return to their original state. To maintain the effect, it is necessary to continue using the serum with some frequency.
  • It is not recommended to apply the solution to any areas other than the upper eyelashes and eyebrows.
  • Never use eyelash and eyebrow solution during lactation and pregnancy.The cosmetic product is not intended for people suffering from cancer, undergoing chemotherapy, minors.
  • The solution must not be applied in case of any eye injuries, as well as ophthalmic diseases. If there are any injuries on the skin of the eyelids, it is forbidden to apply the product until they are completely healed.
  • If the serum is applied too often and abundantly to areas of the skin for which the cosmetic is not intended, dark vellus hair may begin to grow. Do not neglect the rules of the instructions for use.
  • In no case should you apply the composition more than once a day, as this will not speed up the process of the onset of a pronounced effect, but it is guaranteed to cause side reactions. If you forget to apply the serum in the evening, do not use it twice the next day.
  • In case of individual intolerance to any of the components of the composition of the cosmetic product, symptoms of an allergic reaction may occur, which are redness and itching of the eyelid skin, as well as dry eyes that bring discomfort.
  • With bacterial contamination of the sterile solution and its further use, conjunctivitis may develop. Sometimes it was noted the occurrence of temporary skin pigmentation along the line of application, which is eliminated on its own.
  • The habit of rubbing your eyes contributes to the loss of eyelashes.

Selection Tips

So, the eyelash growth serum needs to be selected based on your goals and the composition of the product. All serums can be conventionally divided into two groups. The first includes fatty acids, the second does not.

  • The main active ingredient related to fatty acids is bimatoprost. It stimulates the growth of hair follicles. Recognized as effective as an eyelash growth enhancer. For it to give a decent result, you need to apply the serum regularly for 8 weeks. You can look for other analogs from a number of fatty acids. Serums without these ingredients are essentially simple conditioners for eyelashes, that is, they moisturize, lengthen and soften, but do not stimulate growth.
  • Pregnant and lactating women, allergy sufferers, people undergoing chemotherapy, and people with sensitive eyes should not use serums, but use good old castor oil. It contains ricinoleic acid and omega-6 fatty acids, which provide blood flow to the area, increasing hair growth. You can apply it with an eyeliner brush to clean skin before bed.



